Family is an almost sacred institution in Islam. It is the place where a man and women hold each other's hand in matrimony and forge a lifelong bond of love, trust and mutual support. It is where children are provided a loving and safe environment to grow and be nurtured into self-confident and upright believers. It is where we care and provide help to our frail and elderly, when they need us the most.

Are You Saving For Your Kids Yet?

When we think about halal saving and investing for children, we often fail to think about a good long-term strategy to save for our kids. I wrote last year about how you might do this, but in this short article, I want to talk about things a bit more practically so that you can start putting your ideas into action.

Just start

Since I...

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Your Family and Prayer

Responsibility is one of the hallmarks of a Muslim. The life of a Muslim is unlike anyone else’s – his responsibilities include those towards Allāh, towards other people, and towards himself. The Prophet Muhammad (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) was very keen to nurture within every Muslim this concept to protect them from being...

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Nurturing The Men Around Us

In a previous article, I wrote about the importance of appreciating the men around us. In this article, I want to explore some aspects of helping boys become men, as well as supporting all men in establishing good character and practices. Instead of complaining about the weaknesses of the people in our lives, it is our duty to be a part of the...

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Appreciating The Men Around Us

In the current exposé climate we live in, it is easy to become swept up in the furore of public outrage and condemnation. However, as reflective and forward-thinking people, we should always scrutinise a bandwagon before jumping on it.

It is frustrating to see how different problems and issues that are independent of each other become...

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Nurture by Example

One autumn morning in 1998, a teacher at a high school in the US state of Tennessee noticed the smell of gas in her classroom and soon felt dizzy and nauseous. Some of her students then reported feeling ill as well, and they were transported by ambulance to a nearby hospital. As concerned staff and students watched them go, some of them started...

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Family Revivalists

When a baby is born, there exists a special group of people that will inherently love them, regardless of any physical deformity or mental disability they may have. The years go on, and that same child grows in both intellect and size. Despite the passage of time, this special group of people who nurtured and catered for that child since the...

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