Family is an almost sacred institution in Islam. It is the place where a man and women hold each other's hand in matrimony and forge a lifelong bond of love, trust and mutual support. It is where children are provided a loving and safe environment to grow and be nurtured into self-confident and upright believers. It is where we care and provide help to our frail and elderly, when they need us the most.

Unlock the Barakah this Ramadan

All praise is for Allāh. We ask Allāh to praise and grant peace upon the Messenger, his family and followers.

The month of Ramaḍān [is that] in which was revealed the Qur’ān, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever is present for the month let him fast through it. And whoever is ill or on a journey...

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Caring for your elderly parents

Islam is a complete way of life. It teaches us how to live in society, how to maintain positive interpersonal relationships, and how to care for our families. Allah has commanded children to take care of their parents in the same manner that He has given parents responsibility for their children. Islam places a strong emphasis on treating...

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The Muslim Marriage Crisis

Nikāḥ is an Arabic word, having the literal meaning of ‘aqd’ or unity. It covers the sense of both marriage and coitus. The English word marriage covers half the meaning i.e. to tie one’s nuptial knot with another. In the Holy Qur’ān, marriage has been called as mīthāq (covenant), a covenant between the husband and the...

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Are you doing parenting?

Tarbiyah vs taleem 

Tarbiyah from home vs taleem from madrassah – no point in taleem if there is no tarbiyah. Most of us focus on the taleem part and not the tarbiyah. 

Backbone of society breaking due to - Absent fathers and distant mothers. Sometimes physically there but not there and sometimes physically not there either. We...

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